Free Drum Lessons are available
to be shared online now! (Free Drum Lessons, 2012).
From this website, drummers are able
to self learn by watching those tutorial videos.
This website is useful as it has
categorized different types of lessons such as Beginner Drum Lessons, Drum
Theory & Notation, Dynamic Drumming, Drum Set Rudiments, Rock Drum Lessons,
Jazz Drum Lessons, Double Bass Drums, Drum Play-Alongs, Drum Solos, Drum
Covers, Live Lessons, even Drum articles are included as well.
Drummers are able to search for what
kind of lessons they’re interested to learn through the video. Although
drummers can search any drum lessons online easily nowadays, the most important
is to practice hard.
There are few tips to practice the
Drum Effectively:
- Take
your time:
When you are learning something new,
it takes time to practice. Even you think you are able to play it well,
practice it with a slower beat and make sure you’re doing right. Repeat the
same beat for few hours which makes you getting smoother with the skills.
- Count out loud:
Do not feel shy to count out loud
while you’re playing drum. It is a good way to check whether you’re on the
right beats and rhythms or not. If the beats you’re playing doesn’t match with
your counting, which means you’re slower or faster than the origin beats.
- Sit up straight - Be
ready to play
It is essential to make a right way,
sit properly and straight when you’re ready to play your music instrument. It
is not only good for you body, but also helping you to focus on what are you
doing. You will play smoothly when you’re ready well.
- Use a Metronome
Metronome is a very good “guidance”
for music players. It is an electronic device that measure the beats per
second/minute (Kraemer, n.d.). By using Metronome, drummer has a proper beat to
practice with.
- Set a
practice routine
Practice never ends. The more you
practice, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you gain.
(Practice The Drum
Effectively-Practice Tips, 2011)
Have a Nice Day! Happy Learning!
Free Drum Lessons. (2012). Retrieved
Kraemer, B. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Practice The Drum Effectively -
Practice Tips. (2011). Retrieved from
What's the main focus of this post? Free drum lessons or effective ways to play drums? Nothing much on the first part.