Sunday, 6 May 2012

Street Drums

After I've watched many different drums cover's videos, I realized that there's another interesting drums cover, which we called Street Drums. 

What is Street Drums? 

Hereby I share a video to you all, Amazing Street Drum Performance by 3 years old

(Amazing Street Drum Performance By 3 Year Old, 2011)

A 3 years old kid played street drums with his father.

Basically, street drums is one of the performances that performing at street by "Street Performer/Musician".
They have no any professional instrument, they can just anything that by using a simple material. For example, they used paint bucket as the drums, then play it with a pair of drum sticks. With the simple materials, it brings an amazing show. It could be considered as doing their performance in public places. 

Sometime, many people will only pay attention or watch those professional drummers' concert or performance. However, in my opinion, I will not only focus on particular category, but also search for others talented performers.

After you have discovered some talented people's show, you will realize that, they are another professionals too, in other field. Everyone has own expertise.

Besides, I found out there are few steps in making a street drum set.

  1. Buy a pair of drum sticks, I will recommend the good quality and branded drum sticks, Vic Firth. It costs around RM42 - RM45. To know more about Vic Firth, here you go 
  2. Search for objects, something is big and hollow. For example, something could overturned plastic buckets or bins, or items of metal or glass, which has good ring when you hit it. 
  3. After you have found an appropriate object, then test it! Make sure the sound from the object could produce a fairly loud and resonant sound. 
  4. Make sure the object is strong enough because for street drummers (maybe you), would play many hundreds or thousands times for the performance. Therefore, the object must be tough enough to overcome the punishment. 
  5. For street drummers, some of them might need one object (for example, one empty paint bucket) only, however, to make it complicated, adding some timbres in the instruments. It produces wide variety of sound colors in order to attract listeners and making fun on the music. 
(Vork, 2012)

As a conclusion, there are two types of drummers, ordinary drummers and street drummers. Which drummers is the most attractive for you? 


Vork, L. (2012). How to Make s Street Drum Set. Retrieved from

Amazing Street Drum Performance by 3 Year Old. (2011, July 26). [Video File]. Retrieved from

Monday, 16 April 2012

Cajon Drum

Cajon Drum

The word "Cajon" is derived from the Spanish language, in English translation, it means "box". 

The origin of Cajon is, African Slaves created it in the early 1800s in Peru. They used the simple wooden boxes. It's design looks like a rectangular box with a round sound hole in the middle of one side (What is a Cajon?, 2012). Cajon was developed as one of the musical instrument, and now many people are interested to learn how to play Cajon drum instead of a drum set only. 

The biggest difference between Cajon drum and a full set of drum set, is Cajon is only a box, it does not take any big space, but a drum set needs a bigger space to locate it. By using Cajon as the musical instrument, it is easier for the drummer to bring it anywhere, but drum set is hard to bring along everywhere. 

Now, Cajon is getting more and more popular. For instance, a video from YouTube, Skyscraper - Demi Lovato (Boyce Avenue feat. Megan Nicole acoustic cover), the drummer has used Cajon to produce the drum beat. 

(Skyscraper - Demi Lavato, 2011)

Although the sound beat from Cajon is similar to Drum kits, the way the drummer plays is totally different. Basically, being a drummer, he/she needs a pair of drum stick to play it, however, drummer can play Cajon without drum stick. 
Of course, we cannot just play with simply, without any steps. 

Here's the video to teach you how to play the Cajon

(Cajon Tutorial Lesson - How to play the Cajon, 2010)


What is a Cajon?. (2012). Retrieved from

Cajon Tutorial Lesson. (2010, April 11). Cajon Tutorial Lesson - How to play Cajon [Video file]. Retrieved from 

Skyscraper. (2011, August 15). Skyscraper - Demi Lovato (Boyce Avenue feat. Megan Nicole acoustic cover) on iTunes [Video file]. Retrieved from

Saturday, 14 April 2012


Many drummers, especially beginners will always look for drum kits, then they will keep searching for the difference brands of drum kits.
In my opinion, I would introduce SONOR.

Sonor is a German percussion manufacturer, founded on 1875. 
The First Models (1942 Johannes Link Parade Snare) of drums manufactured by Sonor was a heavy snare drum with an aluminum shell and thick tension rods. 

Sonor’s tagline was “The Rolls of drums” in 1980s as the way they constructed their drums shells, was an allusion to the perfectionist way. Other than that, another snare drum cast from solid metal that tipped the scales close to 100 lb.

As the 1980s progressed, Sonor started slimming down its shells with a line called “Sonorlite”. This marked a shift in philosophy that dictated a drum sehll should resonate like a violin or guitar body. Further explanation, the thinner the shell, the lower the fundamental tone (activemusician, 2012).

Sonor’s drums is now produced with many interesting and cool design. 

For instance, 

This is SQ2 Drum System. 

The official description about SQ2: 
The SQ2 Drum System represents Sonors extensive know how in drum making and sound design. Building upon more than 130 years of manufacturing experience this new range of instruments offers the ultimate in Sono craftsmanship. It is the new flagship within the Sonor drum program. 

As a leading manufacturer of highest quality drums and percussion instruments Sonor has always set new standards and opened doors to new levels of perfection. The Sonor Signature Series, first introduced in the mid- 80s is one example. Later the SOnor Designer Series introduced true custom design to the drumming community. Now with SQ2 Sonor again demonstrates its innovative power and uncompromising dedication to quality.

SQ2 is more than a new drum series. It is an entirely new concept both of making drums and selecting drums. With an almost unlimited variety of shell - size - finish combinations SQ2 is the most individual drum we have ever made and the most unique one you have ever dreamed of playing. It will let you speak with your personal musical voice. It is your signature in sound.

 (Drums, 2012).

Sonor’s Official Website

activemusician. (2012). Retrieved from

Tuesday, 3 April 2012


(Rowan Atkinson - Invisible Drum Kit, 2007)

Just a simple sharing.

Have a nice day!


Rowan Atkinson - Invisible Drum Kit. (2007, August 18). [Video File]. Retrieved from

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Lux Drummerette

I was looking for the top female drummers recently, as normally, the first impression to everyone about drummers will be male. Now then, I can show that there is also some top female drummers. 
While doing research, not only top female drummers I found, the fantastic point is, she could wear heels when she plays drums! This is seriously cool!  

(Lux Drummerette - Decapitated "Spheres of Madness" - Drum Cover, 2010)

 Lux Drummerette is one of the 

Is there anyone could play drums with wearing heels? 


Lux's drums cover is seriously amaze, especially she could step the bass drum continuously (with double paddle) with wearing heels. In fact, it takes a longer time to practice in order to learn how to step the bass drum continuously for the entire music. It is a tiring practice for all drummers. However, seems it is not a big trouble for Lux to play this. From the video, through her facial expression, she looks enjoyed while drumming. 

A brief background about Lux.
Lux is a female drummer who started to play drums since she was 12 years old. She was taught how to play drums at Latin Music School. After she played three years with Latin music, she was introduced to the song “Zombie” by Cranberries. Then, she changed her mind, turned to hard rock. She teach herself by listening hard rock’s songs (Profile engine, n.d.).

In 2007, she’s awarded the title of Worlds Fastest Female Drummer (Miss WFD 2007). Now, Lux is an official endorser of Paiste, Axis Percussion, Serial Drummer Clothing, and she has a full sponsorship with Too Fast Clothing (Drum Crunch, 2011). 

To know more about Lux, here you go!

·         Lux’s Official Website 

·         Lux’s Blog

·         Lux’s Facebook FanPage 

·         Lux’s Twitter


Profile Engine. (n.d.). lux. Retrieved from

Lux Drummerette. (2010, December 7). Lux Drummerette Decapitated "Spheres of Madness" - Drum Cover [Video file]. Retrieved from

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Free Drum Lessons are available to be shared online now! (Free Drum Lessons, 2012).

From this website, drummers are able to self learn by watching those tutorial videos.  

This website is useful as it has categorized different types of lessons such as Beginner Drum Lessons, Drum Theory & Notation, Dynamic Drumming, Drum Set Rudiments, Rock Drum Lessons, Jazz Drum Lessons, Double Bass Drums, Drum Play-Alongs, Drum Solos, Drum Covers, Live Lessons, even Drum articles are included as well. 

Drummers are able to search for what kind of lessons they’re interested to learn through the video. Although drummers can search any drum lessons online easily nowadays, the most important is to practice hard.

There are few tips to practice the Drum Effectively:

 - Take your time:
When you are learning something new, it takes time to practice. Even you think you are able to play it well, practice it with a slower beat and make sure you’re doing right. Repeat the same beat for few hours which makes you getting smoother with the skills. 

Count out loud:
Do not feel shy to count out loud while you’re playing drum. It is a good way to check whether you’re on the right beats and rhythms or not. If the beats you’re playing doesn’t match with your counting, which means you’re slower or faster than the origin beats. 

Sit up straight - Be ready to play
It is essential to make a right way, sit properly and straight when you’re ready to play your music instrument. It is not only good for you body, but also helping you to focus on what are you doing. You will play smoothly when you’re ready well. 

Use a Metronome 
Metronome is a very good “guidance” for music players. It is an electronic device that measure the beats per second/minute (Kraemer, n.d.). By using Metronome, drummer has a proper beat to practice with. 

Set a practice routine 
Practice never ends. The more you practice, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you gain. 
   (Practice The Drum Effectively-Practice Tips, 2011) 

Have a Nice Day! Happy Learning! 

Free Drum Lessons. (2012). Retrieved from

Practice The Drum Effectively - Practice Tips. (2011). Retrieved from

Monday, 19 March 2012




I love Music. Basically, I will focus on the drum beat while I was listening to the music. Therefore, I started to learn how to play drum when I was 15 years old. Although I played drums for few years, I don't really do research on drum's information/background such as review some famous drummers' background, get to know those popular drum sets, and other drum musical percussion. Now, finally, I have this chance to do my research and share with my friends. 

Drumland is going to publish something that is related to drum, for example, some drummers’ background, drum covers from YouTube, basic lessons for beginners, introduce some musical instruments, and others. 


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