
Blog is a personal dairy that is able to be published to the world wide. The most interesting part of blogging is there is an interaction between the “blogger” and the “reader” (Kenneth, 2011). It is no longer a one way communication as the readers could comment on a blog post now, and the blogger is able to reply them immediately, which we called as two ways communication.

The purpose of creating this blog is in completing one of the assignments in the unit, Web Communications 101. This is a blog about personal interest, drumming. In drumland, it provides the information about drums, famous drummer's background, instruments and some learning methods.

The central node I've chosen for my web presence is Blogspot. The reason I choose this platform as Blogpost provides unlimited space for users to write anything they want or even upload as many videos and photos as they want. In addition, it is the easiest free web-hosting site and also easy to manage because Blogspot has prepared the ready HTML from templates in order to design or arrange everything. It is also one of the popular social networking sites for blogger. 

In my web presence, I created a home page, about me, exegesis and contact me. The home page will be showing all my posts. Besides, readers could actually choose the posts they want to read according to my blog’s title. Additionally, every post has also given that some contributing nodes in order to let readers to share the post that they are interested to their Facebook, Twitter or others social network sites’ account. Then, the page of about me is showing some basic personal information in about me, myself. In this exegesis, is an explanation of what is reason behind what I’ve designed for this web presence. Lastly, if my readers are interested to my posts, and would like to contact me personally, they could contact me through my email, Facebook or Twitter that I have uploaded my information at about me.

I have used my personal photo (while I was drumming) as the header for my web presence to represent my interest and identity. Therefore, when people are viewing my homepage, then they will notice the photo first before they read my blog posts, and it actually tells the readers that I am a drummer. Moreover, using a snare drum photo as the background picture is also corresponding to the theme of this web presence. As well as the main colour is black because it is signifying the theme of rock and roll.

When I was creating this web blog, I’ve to include three distributing nodes as well as to promote my web presence. The three distributing nodes I’ve included in my web presence are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The purpose of including some distributing nodes is to engage more readers. When the readers are interested to my blog, or a particular post, they could click on the distributing nodes to share my information or posts to their friends. 

The reason of choosing Facebook as one of the contributing nodes is because Facebook is the most popular social networking site as well as the method of sharing nowadays (Kirkpatrick, 2008). It is considered as a platform which everyone can build up their communication all around the world wide. Facebook provides the features to promote, participate and collaborate with one another. It brings big impact to the world after the creation of Facebook. By clicking “share”, then the post will appear at their page, and everyone can see it from their page.

Besides Facebook, my second contributing nodes will be Twitter. It is also considered as one of the social networking services and the feature is mainly focusing on micro blogging service. It is a real time information that connecting everyone’s latest updates or news (About Twitter, 2012). The main service Twitter provided is allowing the users to convey their message to their readers. There’s a limitation for the words, which is the users could only type not more than 140 characters for each post. So, when I tweet my blog posts at my twitter account, it helps me promote my blog and create another interaction between me and others through this platform.

My last contributing node for my web presence is YouTube. The main feature of YouTube is focusing on video sharing. It is the platform for people to upload their video easily and publish to the world wide. Basically, some of my blog posts have few videos from YouTube, as I believe a video could let people to visualize the concept or message instead of reading texts only. In my opinion, most of the people, especially teenagers are interested to watch a video clip rather than read a whole article with words only. Images and videos are able to let readers to visualize the content of the story or information.

As being a drummer, based on my experience, looking at the nodes only does not really help me to improve my skills. The more video clips I watch, the more I could learn from the drummers. By watching the way how the professional drummers play drums, is giving others a space or a new idea to create own skills with freestyle. Thus, most of my posts have included one or two relevant videos clips. Readers could watch those video clips that I have uploaded if they are not interested to read the content.

Other than the three contributing nodes, I’ve also added a chat box in my web presence. The reason of adding the chat box is giving my readers the opportunity to chat with other readers or allowing them have some informal chatting instead of posting comments at the posts only. Additionally, readers are allowed to read my friends’ blog posts as well, which I’ve linked their web page on my web presence. Thus, readers could also interact and engage with my friends instead of me only.

In a conclusion, a simple web presence is not only providing useful information but also giving opportunity to communicate and collaborate with each other. With the creation of Web 2.0, I can broadcast, share my interest and deliver my message to the world wide with an easier way.

About Twitter. (2012). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/about
Kenneth. (2011). What is Blogging and How Does it Work? Retrieved from http://kennethholland.com/922/what-is-blogging-and-how-does-it-work/
Kirkpatrick, M. (2008). Is Facebook the Most Popular Social Bookmarking Service on the Web? Retrieved from http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/is_facebook_the_most_popular_social_bookmarking.php

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